C2 - #SustainableCulture
by Christine Tan
- Gain an in-depth understanding of Sustainability and ESG narratives, and become proficient in establishing and achieving relevant business goals.
- Enhance organisational efficiency and productivity to meet the high standards of ESG.
- Boost employee retention rates by endorsing and adhering to ESG norms.
- Foster a thriving culture of Sustainability and ESG within your company, paving the way for a healthier, innovative work environment and leading your organisation towards an environmentally conscious future.
What is our #SustainableCulture programme?
Our #SustainableCulture programme utilises the GROW coaching model to infuse your organisation with sustainability and ESG values through tailored educational sessions. The outcome is a deep understanding of these values, increased efficiency, improved retention rates, and a nurturing, sustainable culture, ultimately leading towards a greener future.
What are the objectives?
Our primary goal is to empower your people to adopt and promote sustainability and ESG values within your organisation. We aim to equip you with the understanding and tools necessary to incorporate the GROW coaching model into your people’s work approach. We also aspire to help your company differentiate between various organisational interventions within the ESG context, create a nurturing and collaborative workspace that embodies sustainability and ESG principles.
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Our proven methodology for sustainable success
Our one-day #SustainableCulture workshop and follow-up sessions employ an interactive and practical approach. This includes online and on-site sessions tailored specifically to individual and group needs. The curriculum incorporates the GROW coaching model as a pivotal tool in promoting ESG values, while providing guidance on crafting a workspace that supports these principles.
LLM will work with organisations to agree clear KPIs tailored to your needs and the course objectives.
Our #SustainableCulture programme includes a workshop and follow-up consulting and coaching sessions for a minimum of 3 months to embed new learning and help provide support for active learning. You can choose between in-person or online Zoom sessions, ensuring flexibility, accessibility, and effectiveness.
Our workshops accommodate up to 20 participants to ensure quality interaction. For larger groups, we recommend extra sessions.
Success Stories
The leadership team at Cempedak Island, alongside members from the Island Foundation, recognised the need for leadership abilities and mental resilience development. Identifying these areas for growth, they sought to invest in a workshop to strengthen their capabilities and improve team cohesion.
To address this need, a two-day leadership workshop was held, and the workshop agenda included mentoring skills and strategies for overcoming new challenges and adversity. The sessions were designed to be interactive, fostering open dialogue and shared experiences, emphasising collaboration and mentorship. The heads of departments could then replicate aspects of the workshop and perpetuate a coaching culture that generates creativity, inquiry, and innovative problem-solving.
The workshop proved an excellent platform for team building and personal development. Participants acquired valuable insights on effectively mentoring others and navigating through periods of uncertainty and diversity. The successful outcome has led to scheduling a follow-up workshop that will concentrate on enhancing communication skills and processes, continuing the journey towards excellence in leadership and team management.
About the consultant

Christine Tan, Senior Counsellor
Christine is a Senior Counsellor at LLM, the Founder of Kintsugi Companions and a certified Counsellor. Her experience includes the role of Executive Director of a Singapore-based not-for-profit organisation. During her time there, she was instrumental in re-structuring and re-branding the organisation. She began her career as a Change Management Consultant in the 1990s for close to 10 years at Accenture. After that, she continued to pursue a marketing profession and established and managed several of her own businesses in branding and communication. Christine graduated from the University of Texas at Austin with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a Bachelor in Business Administration in Marketing. She then completed her Master of Arts in International Relations at Baylor University. She completed her post-graduate Diploma in Counselling with the University of Wales and Master of Arts in Counselling with TCA (Theological Centre for Asia) College, Singapore. Christine is fluent in English and Malay.